MultiCharts | PowerLanguage
MultiCharts | PowerLanguage Tutorials | CH1: How MultiCharts Executes Strategy
Strategy is instructions written in the programming language called PowerLanguage.You need to use the PowerLanguage Editor to write the PowerLanguage…
MultiCharts | PowerLanguage Tutorials | CH2: Script Framework and Basic Syntax
Startting from a simple script MovAvg2Line Cross LE to quickly understand the basic framework of the script: Declaration, Rules Calculation,…
MultiCharts | PowerLanguage Tutorials | CH3: Input and Variable
Input and variable can be thought as a container (Ex: bottle) that stores the desired value (Ex: 5 liters).
MultiCharts | PowerLanguage Tutorials | CH4: Branch
The if-else and switch branch syntax allows the program to decide the direction of execution. If specific conditions are met,…
MultiCharts | PowerLanguage Tutorials | CH5: Loop
The for and while loop allows the program to repeatedly execute the instructions until a certain number of times or…
MultiCharts | PowerLanguage Tutorials | CH6: Buy and Sell
PowerLanguage provides Buy, Sell, SellShort and BuyToCover instructions for placing orders.
MultiCharts | PowerLanguage Tutorials | CH7: Array
An array can be thought of as a container that stores multiple values of the same type. Each value is…
MultiCharts | PowerLanguage Tutorials | CH9: Print and File
Print – Used to output information to the screen or file. The most important application is to debug the program…
MultiCharts | PowerLanguage Tutorials | CH10: Date and Time
PowerLanguage has two date time, one is the date time of the bar, and the other is the date time…
MultiCharts | PowerLanguage Tutorials | CH8: Function
A function, like inputs and variables, can be thought of as a container. However, instead of holding values, this container…
MultiCharts | PowerLanguage Tutorials | CH11: Position Information
PowerLanguage offers several built-in functions that assist in obtaining market position, entry price, exit price, unrealized and realized profits.
MultiCharts | PowerLanguage Tutorials | CH12: Text Drawing
Text drawing is a feature that allows the drawing of text on charts to display trading information, important messages, and…